Programs & Services

Marianna is available to present programs and workshops on the history and care of ecclesiastical vestments and textiles.
She is also available on an individual basis to evaluate sacristy storage needs as well as conduct research on specific ecclesiastical textiles. Honorarium and fees are based upon the scope of each individual program and workshop.
Illustrated Lectures
Sisterhood of Stitchers: The Community of St. John Baptist and the Church Workroom
Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Textiles
Materials and Techniques Used in Ecclesiastical Textiles
Wings of Heaven: Trinity, Morgan Dix and the Art of Ecclesiastical Embroidery
Sacristy Storage Evaluation
Review of sacristy spaces and recommendations for best use of storage
List of suppliers and materials needed for proper storage
Photo documentation and report provided
Ecclesiastical Textile Collection Tour
Community of St. John Baptist, Mendham, NJ
Tours limited to 15 participants
Tour will include a visit to the Church Workroom and Upper Sacristy of the Convent Main Chapel
Vestment Research
Identification of age, materials, techniques and place of origin
Archival research to establish provenance
Photo documentation and report provided
Padded Hanger Workshop
Hands-on workshop in making a padded hanger
List of materials and supplies needed will be provided to each participant prior to the workshop
Textile Care Workshop
Hands-on workshop in basic textile care, boxing and storage tips
List of materials and supplies needed will be provided to each participant prior to the workshop